Writing Prompt:What is the most powerful memory/experience you've had with the police?
(If you have not had one, write one of your friend's memories).
Today marks the National Day of Protest against Police Violence.Click Here: Answer the following questions in COMPLETE sentences?What is October 22nd?
Based upon the following links, please answer the following questions:1) Who killed Gonzalo Martinez and how
2) Who killed Suzy Pena and how? How old was she?
(Click here)3. In both instances, what was the community reaction?
Based upon the this link (click here), answer the following questions:What does 022 have to do with immigration?
What do prisons have to do with schools?
What are TWO actions that 022 is doing to bring awareness and attempt to stop police violence?
Based upon this link (Click here), please answer the following questions- be prepared to share out.What happened to Amadou Diallo?
How is Michael Moore's actions bringing attention to the problem of police violence?
What actions do you feel could be done to bring attention to police violence in Los Angeles?
The following poem was written in response to the many people who have been killed in Los Angeles by police violence. They range in age from 3 to nearly 30. Read the poem and choose one of the following. Be prepared to discuss the poem below as well as your writing on Friday.
1) Write a Poem that honors an individual or group of people you know killed by police violence.
2) Provide a detailed drawing that honors people who have been killed by police violence.
3) Write a poem or a provide a detailed drawing that illustrates the way Violence is committed upon your community as it relates to the police, military,
(Click here or here for illustration examples)
Poem: and I promise you this.. (In Memory Of)It is a simple wish:
To find safety in eyes of a lover, make eternal commitments to another
And create life that is our evolved reflection.
Birth beauty and watch it grow beyond genetics.
We even give them turquoise names
*Gonzalo *Carlos *Tyesha * Suzy * Sean* Javier *Usman *Charlie *Robert *Deondre
They roll off tongue tickle larynx like sugar
it is why we smile sweetly at the mere memory or mention of
their candy childhood laughter echoing inside eardrums.
Young ones who beats Drums for future untold
watch bones expand Into dreams of Full soul almond amber charcoal skin.
It is every parent’s nightmare to watch our future’s light within Stamped out
Voided in noise of gunfire echoed by screams cut short as
red white and blue sirens strangles us in violent silence Dressed in evening blue uniforms
Or midnight phone calls from a coroner
*all we asked for were warnings
instead we wake up to empty bedrooms
find our loved ones front page morning stories
“black * brown * man * woman * child
police stand off
Another City dreams deferred
Babies born but aborted mid-life
By so called pro-life
Who leave us with no choice
In matters of our life and our loved ones.
Now cribs lie empty.. street corners turn alters
Wedding plans packed away buried in the grave of fiancés
And birthdays are the most miserable moments in mornings of mourning
They blame bandana republics
I blame the melanin mentality of their bullets
And their fear of our rainbow’s light.
I wish our brothers knew simple mathematics:
Division in the streets
equals united in the grave
Murder was the case
That they gave us.
But moritician is never a mother’s willing choice of occupation
We leave bedrooms untouched because it is too painful to pack it up.
Sit in shadows where stomach churns and cry- fake strength for neighbors
Who shake heads and wonder why it has to be
*Gonzalo *Carlos *Tyesha * Suzy * Sean* Javier *Usman *Charlie
*Robert *Deondre
turquoise and sugar names cyanide to their diabolical diabetic color wheel complex
preveted promethues trying to steal our fire, convinced they are a greek god.\
But We are an original fire people- (como Xango, Ra, Camaxtli, Agni, Arani, Shiva, Devi
There is a time coming when we willl redefine Police stand off-
It will come when we stand up
They will step back
We will step forward
Momentum shifts
Their boots, bullets, and batons from our neck
Feable Attempts to Damper the light.. extinguish our fire
As if a hose could attempt to stop the flow of an indigenous inferno
For even as flames flicker /Dim
They disperse from spine/ Out of body
Extend and ignite in the streets
lighting the way for new days Of being
We are beautiful people
Beyond beating batons
We birth Beating hearts Breathing
warming formerly cold coffins
we will wear t-shirts with labels: Warning : contents inside extremely flammable.
We are beyond ballots
It is our Beauty or the Bullet.
Our loved ones or the riot
There is a direct correlation
Between the numbers of our deaths
And the increasing lack of respect
That translates into attempts on your life
Please, Do not dismiss this poem as militant
It is carved inside the ribcage of a raven
Who saraficed her life to show even doves cry before pushed too far
The tone may be angry
But it written from love
For ourselves and children
I will have them someday
And We will teach her to shake rattles like perceptions
play with the memory of Suzy
she will learn to write copying the screenplay of a movie
where Chuadry will awake from his dream in the streets
Charlie will continue hide from death but not be forced to seek death in a shed.
My son will Break bars on cribs like those on cages
Because no made obstacle cannot contain our creative visions
mother’s will bang on pans
and on they system
Father’s will play catch and catch up
With Deondre, Robert, Javier,
Or Carlos Training for Football pratice at Santee
He will be free to be anything he imagines
We deserve nothing less
Than the best
For our loved ones
We do not raise racists or hatred
Nor will we tolerate it
Pushed upon our young ones
Whether by police or the streets
My heartbeat will be born again
Inside another spine
And I will be damned if it the tic tocs
Of his heart will be stopped by a cop prematurely.
Surely the sun will honor
Our suns and daughters and aid
The beautiful fire growing within
With sunrays of soul y sol
Y flor y canto
*Gonzalo *Carlos *Tyesha * Suzy * Sean* Javier *Usman *Charlie
*Robert *Deondre
with your spirits we dance beautifully in the arms of a new day dawning
where our children play in the streets, *Robert * Carlos * Deondre
with no worry of shots * Tyesha *Sean *Gonzalo
for the only echoes in ears onf the young ones will be that of the drum * Javier * Usman
they beat in hopes of foretelling the future * Robert * Charlie * Suzy
where coffins are a natural part of life
but only after 90 years of fire and beauty.
The flame is lit…
We kiss it in honor of you and pray for flames
May the winds fan the fire
As quickly as possible
Before the rain comes
Discussion Questions.1. What were your feelings as you were reading this poem
2. What was the meaning the author was trying too convey to the reader? Do you agree or disagree with the meaning?
3. What kind of imagery does the author use to describe their community and it's relationship to violence?