Wednesday, December 3, 2008

SledgeHammer: Smash the Violence

Jay-Z says he has 99 problems If you had to list your type 5 problems what would they be?

Girl Got 99 Problems, Is Hip Hop One?
The article we will be examining today will be focusing on whether or not music (in this case, specifically Rap) plays a role in violence against women.
What lyrical examples does the article give of way that:
  • Hip Hop talks about social issues in women’s life?
  • Hip Hop explores sexual agency/ power?
  • Hip Hop challenges stereotypes?

When should society interfere in lyrical freedom?

What are examples of lyrics that encourage violence against women?

Highlighted Handout as Group

1. Discuss the highlighted part of your handout. Speak about what you believe Audre Lorde is saying. Look at the part highlighted a separate color- what do these words or phrases mean?

2. As a group, create an image/ drawing that represents your highlighted phrase on the hand-out. Let it be a visual description of the words. Make sure to include the quote on the drawing.

End of Class Reflection (2 Paragraphs)
What are the ways Hip Hop plays a role in the way men view women and women view themselves? What also plays a role?